We are celebrating the launch of WRERU: the World Religions and Education Research Unit, at Bishop Grosseteste University.
The launch is on Thursday 23rd November from 4.00-9.00 pm (UK time).
At the launch, we’ll also be ‘launching’ the professorships at BGU of Julian Stern and Leslie Francis, with inaugural professorial lectures, and launching the latest book by John Holdsworth, Hidden in Plain Sight.
There are more details about WRERU, and about the lectures and book, on the Evenbrite page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wreru-launch-tickets-710976920107?aff=oddtdtcreator) where you can book attendance.
The launch will be a ‘real’ event, at BGU in Lincoln, with some drinks and nibbles (and easy parking, for those driving here), and it will also be online (on zoom), so we hope as many of you as possible will be able to attend. It will be lovely to see you there! And if you know of others who would be interested, do please pass this invitation on to them.
WRERU currently has 49 members, of whom 30 are visiting or honorary staff, ten are established staff, and nine doctoral researchers.
Visting and honorary members of Bishop Grosseteste University:
Dr Geoffrey Ahern, Visiting Fellow in Religious and Spiritual Experience
Professor Elisabeth Arweck, Honorary Professor in Contemporary Religion
Professor Michael Buchanan, Honorary Professor in Catholic Education
Professor Francis Davis, Visiting Professor in Social Institutions & International Studies
Rev Canon Dr Randolph Ellis, Honorary Fellow in Sacred Place
Canon Dr Neville Emslie, Honorary Fellow in Ministry Studies
Dr Hümeyra Guleryuz-Erken, Visiting Fellow in Islam and Education
Rev Canon Dr James Francis, Visiting Fellow in Theology and Discipleship
Rev Professor John Gay Visiting Professor in Higher Education
Professor John Harper, Visiting Professor in Sacred Music Studies
Rev Professor Sally Harper, Honorary Professor in Cathedral and Sacred Music Studies
Venerable Professor John Holdsworth, Honorary Professor in Theology and Ministry
Very Rev Professor Susan H Jones, Honorary Professor in Cathedral Studies
Rabbi Dr Eli Kohn, Honorary Reader in Judaism and Education
Professor David Lankshear, Visiting Professor in Church School Studies
Revd Dr Sarah Lawrence, Honorary Fellow in Practical Theology
Professor Patrick Laycock, Visiting Professor in Religions and Statistics
Rev Dr Sally Myers, Visiting Fellow in Ministry Studies
Revd Canon Professor Peter Neil, former Vice Chancellor, Bishop Grosseteste University
Dr Kevin O’Grady, Visiting Senior Fellow in Religious Education
Professor Dr Dr theol h c Mualla Selçuk, Visiting Professor in Islam and Education
Rev Dr Greg Smith, Honorary Fellow in Ministry Studies
Dr Francis Stewart, Director of the Edward Bailey Centre for the Study of Implicit Religion, Bishop Grosseteste University
Phra Dr Nicholas Thanissarro, Visiting Senior Fellow in Buddhism and Education
Rt Rev Professor David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, Honorary Professor in Anglican Studies
Dr Jacqui Wilkinson, Visiting Fellow in Anglican Education Studies
Professor Andy Wright, Visiting Professor in Religious and Theological Education
Dr Elina Wright, Visiting Senior Fellow in Religious Education
Professor Yaacov Yablon, Visiting Senior Fellow in Judaism and Education
Associate Professor Celeste Yuen, Visiting Reader in Intercultural Education
Doctoral researchers at Bishop Grosseteste University:
Catriona Card, researching disciplinary approaches to religious education in the early years
Devora Shabtai Greer, researching connections between psychological type and religious expressions among your female Orthodox Jews
Dr Huw Humphreys, researching how Church of England primary schools find ways to be prophetic and missional
Francis Loftus, researching the application of the SIFT approach to biblical hermeneutics for interpreting the Lucan parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Yehuda Pearlman, researching a curriculum for spirituality in Orthodox Jewish primary schools
Ian Poulton, researching young adolescents’ ordinary theology and its implications for schooling
Gill Simpson, researching an authoethnographic approach to religious education and learning in higher education
Adam Stevenson, researching what is distinctive about Methodist worship from conceptual and empirical perspectives
Alison Stowe, researching children’s responses to primary collective worship
Staff at Bishop Grosseteste University:
Revd Professor Jeff Astley, Professor of Religious and Spiritual Experience
Dr Jack Cunningham, Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical History
Emma Eccles, Research Associate in Religions and Education
Revd Canon Professor Leslie J Francis, Professor of Religions, Psychology and Education
Revd Dr Peter Green, Dean of Chapel
Dr Ursula McKenna, Senior Research Fellow in Implicit Religion
Mark Plater, Senior Lecturer, Religion and Education
Revd Dr Tania ap Siôn, Reader of Religions, Humanities and Education
Professor Julian Stern, Professor of Education and Religion